Hi – I’m James

I help smart solopreneurs

create the ultimate freedom lifestyle

James Thomas

superniche™ SEO since ’08

How is it I became a freedom lifestyle niche blogger anyway…

Way back, I mean like 2008 way back, I quit my big corporate promotion, gave back my company car and set up my own agency.

A Small Thing

It was the actual day that Lehman Brothers bank collapsed. The beginning/height of the financial crisis.

Everyone, and I really mean everyone, thought I was bonkers.

But you know, fuck it! I was 24 and had some hot shot ideas and felt like I could figure stuff out for myself.

And I did. The hard way.

Hard Times

I carved out a successful digital agency, ran a directory business of a dozen folks (it was the early days of travel websites when you could rank a page in a day and sell space off the back of the search), sold some fantastic ideas that were WAY ahead of their time and made a bunch of money.

Except, I was always the last to get paid.

The overhead was staggering. Eye-watering. WTF are we doing kinda numbers.

Bailing Out

Then one day, an early stage investor pulled the plug on a new finance deal. The promised amount was reduced to a pittance. It was the beginning of the end.

I rumbled on for another few months but without the cash to make ends meet – the party was over.

I made the team redundant and closed the doors forever.

Losing the business was ego crushing. I was gutted.

RTW With A Bicycle

After a short sojourn to Europe by bicycle, I took a sales job in London. Refreshed and recharged, I came back feeling optimistic about things.

I made a plan to cycle around the world.

Bike travel had been my salvation and I loved it enough to attempt a bigger ride.

Digital Nomad

I completed my RTW bicycle tour in 2016 and promptly became what is now fashionably called a digital nomad.

I took on any freelance writing I could find and renovated a house.

During my bike trip I’d become established in Vipassana meditation, which is the foundation of my personal mindfulness practice.

Freedom Lifestyle

I now live in north Goa and wherever else I fancy, enjoying the best of the beach, hanging with my crew and making every moment count.

I work with a select few clients on 1:1 implementation and bespoke coaching calls.

When I’m not skiing in Kazakhstan or meditating, I write about niche blogging, passive income and side projects.

Let’s do this!

Got a bold vision that your future self can’t wait to experience?

book a call
taking the bull by the horns in macedonia

A metaphor (that actually happened;)

meeting a client as a freelance seo consultant

Dressed to impress at a client meeting

Cycling the Panj river on the border with Afghanistan and Tajikistan

On the beach: Oman roadtrip circa 2023